Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Dodol Nangka, two full meaning of words.
Dodol Nangka, take me happy.
From there are many Dodol in Indonesia.
At the mount we all, just Dodol Nangka Swastika which i love.
This is Dodol which other than other, has a soft texture, soft, supple, and the point is very fitting as you snack.
Composition :
1.    Jackfruit
2.    Sugar
Price :
1.    Rp. 500,oo per seed
2.    Rp. 5000,00 per box (consist of 12 seed dodol)

Produce By :
Swastika-Amlapura, Jasri Village, Telp. +6285237114084
Don’t forget join with via online.

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1 komentar:

  1. Dear Sir,

    I'm Shree Padre, Editor of a leading Indian farm monthly in Kannada language.
    Our Magazine, Adike Patrike, is run by farmers and is in 25th year of publication.

    My E-mail :

    We are interested to publish an article on Dodol Nangka. Can you provide us 2-3 good photos and required information?

    If you are willing, we will send you a questionnaire.
    Please let us know.

    Kindly reply to my ID.

    Shree Padre
    Adike Patrike


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